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nowHere Nidoja

The duo Nidoja was born in 2005 from the creative and experimental interaction of Nicoletta D'Auria (cello) and Domenico Monaco (electronics/percussions). The musical research carried out during their career naturally pushed the duo toward Mediterranean sounds, with a focus on World Music. The music, composed mainly by the cellist and arranged in an electronic key, creates elements of pure mystical energy: a kind of visceral vibration that embraces the continents, the settings of our time, the hunger for culture, and the desire to understand something beyond the known.

Over the years Nidoja has collaborated with musicians from all over the world and the latest of these collaborations has generated UBQ (Underwater Bell Quintet), a lineup in which the duo is joined by three other musicians: Eric Forsmark, percussionist and composer and co-founder of the international "101 flames of inspiration" project in which 101 musicians from around the world were co-invited; Nicola Nesta (oud/ baglama/ Afghan robab)and Giuliano Di Cesare(trumpet/transverse flute/soprano sax). With the UBQ lineup, Nidoja's compositions find a strong sounding board and sonic expansion: a musical journey that holds within it the magnificent sound of distant lands! A kind of experimental World Music that opens horizons to other cultures, forcing the mind to the vision of a more united and inclusive humanity.

Giorgio from Stand Alone Complex sent us a fantastic playlist selected by this eclectic composer. Enjoy!


01. Nidoja - Underwater Bell

02. The Cure - Close To Me

03. CocoRosie - Tearz for Animals

04. Zo‰ Keating- Possible

05. Beats Antique - Egyptic

06. Beats Antique - Beauty Beats

07. Massive Attack - Teardrop

08. Ludovico Einaudi Fly

09. Ennio Morricone - Cinema Paradiso

10. Ennio Morricone - The Mission

11. Ryuichi Sakamoto - Forbidden Colours

12. Estas Tonne - Fusion

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