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nowHere “Threelakes”

Writer: nowherenowhere

Updated: May 30, 2020

Hi, this is Threelakes and I’m introducing my personal playlist for Nowhere Music Dublin. My new record is coming out next month. The title is Golden Days and in this playlist I put all the artist that I listened to a lot (and I mean A LOT) during the writing of the songs.

I usually try not to listen to the same kind of music that I’m writing while I’m composing, but hey! Let’s pay some respect to the masters. Every song is kinda talking to the other song. To me everything is connected by the invisible wire of hope.

I can listen to it and I wrote about it.

My music was dark and I talked a lot about wars and missing chances. In this record the only thing I was thinking about was hope. Maybe we touch the bottom, or maybe we are still scratching it, but after a big fall there must be a rise. This is what I made and those are the song that indirectly inspired my work.

In this playlist you’ll find the first single of my upcoming record that I’m premiering here. The song’s called “Brothers”. I’m not spoil anymore. I let you listen and live it.

I’ll see you all for a special gig on the 11th of October at BelloBar in Dublin with my band the flatland eagles. We’ll have some rock and roll vibes, we’ll sing together and maybe cry a little.

Have a nice listen and see ya’ll in Dublin!!!


01. Intro Threelakes 02. Threelakes and the Flatland Eagles - Brothers 03. Bruce Springsteen - Atlantic City 04. Tom Petty - I Won't Back Down 05. Ryan Adams - Kim 06. Kurt Vile - Pretty Pimpin 07. The War On Drugs - Lost in the Dream 08. Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey 09. Alabama Shakes - Don't Wanna Fight 10. Timber Timbre - Hot Dreams 11. Goodbye Threelakes



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